Facebook Groups: The Untapped Painting Lead Source

Facebook Groups: The Untapped Painting Lead Source

Published On: July 29, 20235.6 min readCategories: Social MediaTags: , , ,
Facebook Groups for Painting Leads

Did you know one of the most lucrative forms of lead generation on Facebook comes from Facebook Groups, not Ads?

That’s right. When it comes to buyer intent, Facebook Groups have the low-hanging fruit — aka FREE repaint leads, ripe and ready to buy.

Sound too good to be true?

Here we will break down our profitable process for leveraging Facebook Groups to generate more business for your Painting Company. This strategy only requires a few minutes of your time, and one simple comment.

Let’s jump in!

What are Facebook Groups?

Social Network

Let’s begin with a basic question — What are Facebook Groups?

Simply, Facebook Groups are user-created online communities around shared interests or objectives.

These groups can range from local neighborhood communities to professional networking or hobbyist groups.

As a Painting Business, these groups can provide a space to directly engage with your prospects.

They act as a crowd-sourced feedback platform where members can make recommendations for the services you offer.

In other words, your local community uses Facebook Groups to ask other for recommendations, and in some cases, those recommendations can include the services you offer.

Ok, so where do you start?

Which Facebook Groups should you target?

Public vs. Private

At the time of writing this article, there are two types of Facebook Groups: Public and Private.

Both groups are run by an admin, or multiple admins/moderators. These are all users on Facebook, not Facebook employees, so what is permitted in the group is based entirely on those managing the group.

Why is this important?

Because some groups may have very specific requirements to become a Member, and what you can post as a Member. For instance, a Private Local Real Estate Facebook Group may not allow someone in who is not a local Real Estate Agent.

We recommend looking for LOCAL groups that have your target audience.

Just keep in mind that you may not always obtain access to the group you want, and even if you do, there is always the possibility of being removed from the group at anytime in the future.

For this reason we always recommend joining as many groups as possible.

Identifying These Groups

Facebook Group Filters

To begin searching for the best groups in your area, first start by identifying WHO you want to target.

Is it homeowners? Real Estate Agents or Property Managers? Which cities, towns, or neighborhoods are you targeting?

We love targeting Groups using the term “Community” as they are generally Groups targeting a location rather than a specific topic/interest.

Create a list of this data, then open up Facebook under your personal account.

Using the search bar, search each of these terms, filtering by Groups and the location for each search. (See screenshot above.)

We only recommend joining Groups that have several thousand Members with daily posts. Our clients see the best results with Groups of 30k+ Members. Smaller Groups are generally not as active, and therefore may not get the results you expect.

Click on each relevant group and read through the rules/terms of each. Join the Groups that seem openminded about lead generation, but not too open that they’re full of spam posts.

How to capture free painting leads using Facebook Groups

Facebook Group Comment for Cabinet Painting

Ok so you’ve joined a few Groups on Facebook. Now what?

This is where the rubber meets the road.

Imagine overhearing someone in your local community ask: “Looking for a company to paint our kitchen cabinets. Who do you recommend?”

How would you respond?

When a prospect asks a question like this, they’re clearly prepositioned to buy.

On Facebook, capturing that buyer intent is as simple as responding with a comment!

There are two ways to monitor for these recommendation posts:

  • Notifications — Make sure you have notifications enabled on the group. These comments will automatically show up in your News Feed. Simply opening the Facebook app on your phone will display the most recent comments.

  • Search — For larger Groups, notifications can become overwhelming. In such cases, we recommend simply searching the group for your target terms daily. Use terms such as “painter” or “cabinets” to filter the posts, then sort by recency. Use the search bar in the group to leverage this filter.

Once you have located a RECENT recommendation post (posted within the last 24-48 hours) relevant to your services, it’s time to respond…

The perfect Facebook Group comment

Facebook Comment

Ok, so someone on a Facebook Group you’re monitoring asks for a recommendation for the services you offer. How do you respond?

First, be sure that you’re commenting from your personal Facebook account. Never use your business account.

Here is our recommended response template:

“Hi Sally! My name is Tommy with XYZ Painting Company here in CITY. I would be happy to discuss our cabinet painting process, and provide you with a free estimate on the spot. Feel free to call/text at your convenience: 123-123-1234”

This template works for several reasons:

  • Establishes Trust — You’re introducing yourself, and your company from your personal Facebook account. Social media is built on the currency of Trust. Using your personal account shows that you have nothing to hide, and human faces sell, not businesses.
  • Emphasizes Local Authority — You are the local source of authority. Specifically mentioning the city/region this person lives in reaffirms that sense of trust. After all, why would they hire someone an hour away when you’re in their backyard?

  • Doesn’t Sell The Service — Instead of pushing the service, sell the estimate. Why? Because the estimate gets you in the door. Don’t be pushy, no one gets married on the first date.

  • Provides Multiple Forms of Contact — Not everyone likes to call, so leave the door open to send a text message. If possible, provide them with your direct contact information, not the front desk number. If you’re too busy, have your Office Manager monitor these groups. The person leaving the comment should be the same person answering the call/text.

  • K.I.S.S. — Keep it short and simple. The average online attention span is less than 3 seconds. If your response takes longer to read than that, you’ve lost them.

And you’re done!

Looking for a hands-off solution?

While this strategy is simple, it still takes time out of your day.

What if we could notify you only when someone asks a question about your services?

What if that service could monitor any Facebook Group, public or private?

If you’re interested in a hands-off solution, Base Coat Marketing offers a Facebook Group Monitoring service to all of our clients. Schedule a free strategy call to discuss how this service can save you time, and capture more business.

Austin Houser
Austin Houser
About the Author: Husband. Father. Business Owner. As a Digital Marketer and Data Scientist with over a decade of lead generation experience managing a results-driven marketing agency for Professional Painting Companies, Austin Houser is wildly known as a leading Marketing Expert within the Professional Painting Industry.

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