Terms and Conditions

of www.basecoatmarketing.com

These Terms govern

  • the use of this Website, and,
  • any other related Agreement or legal relationship with the Owner

in a legally binding way. Capitalized words are defined in the relevant dedicated section of this document.

The User must read this document carefully.

This Website is provided by:

Base Coat Marketing
(888) 806-3339

Owner contact email: hello@basecoatmarketing.com

Information about this Website

Base Coat Marketing provides website hosting and client-management of websites through third-party content management systems (“CMS”). The terms defined in this document apply only the services offered by Base Coat Marketing and exclude any third-party CMS platforms. This document does not apply to any hosted content on client websites. It is the client’s responsibility to produce and maintain Terms of Service/Use and Privacy Policy documents for their own website. Base Coat Marketing is not liable for any content, images, or technical material (code, plugins, templates, etc.) on a client’s website.

“This Website” refers to

  • this website, including its subdomains and any othe